The Ambassadors are in West Bromwich Town Centre

As of today, 6th September, two new faces have joined the BID (Business Improvement District). Anthony Vogan and Robert Lewis are on board as the town’s new Town Centre Ambassadors, providing a warm welcome and assistance to all visitors to West Bromwich.
During the BID’s consultancy period last year, around 80% of businesses expressed a desire to see Town Centre Ambassadors as a permanent fixture in West Bromwich Town Centre.
As well as way finding and welcoming visitors, the Town Centre Ambassadors will also be in a great position to report environmental problems to the local authorities. They will also undertake regular visits to retailers around the town.
The Ambassadors will promote tourism, especially for those who have never visited West Bromwich before and those who have not visited the town since considerable regeneration has taken place.
Melvin Glasby, Chair of the West Bromwich Business Improvement District (BID) commented, “The Town Centre Ambassdors are a vital part of what the BID offers. We want West Bromwich Town Centre to be an even more welcoming place than it is now. The Ambassadors will improve the overall town centre visit experience and sustain regular communication with businesses all over the BID area. They will also help to increase the dwell time for visitors to the town, encouraging visitors to stay for longer, further promoting West Bromwich as a leisure destination.