West Bromwich BID & Sandwell Hospital work together for charity this Christmas

This December, the West Bromwich BID is asking for shoppers to buy one extra toy for a child who will spend Christmas in Sandwell Hospital’s Children’s Ward, to be dropped off at our ‘Advent Calendar’ Unit in Queens Square (the main entrance off the High Street).
We’re kindly asking members of the West Bromwich public to drop off an extra toy which can be delivered to Sandwell Hospital in time for Christmas. We’re also asking donators to label each toy with a suitable age range for the child to whom they are donating to.
Melvin Glasby, Chair of the West Bromwich BID commented: “We are very excited about our first Christmas charity project this year. We’re very happy to be working with Sandwell Hospital and asking for donation for children who will be in hospital this Christmas time. The West Bromwich BID works closely with corporate and social responsibility projects in the West Bromwich area. We will work with charities all over the BID area for the next five years.”
Steve Crump, from Sandwell Hospital said: ‘Children at Sandwell General Hospital are to benefit from some seasonal cheer, courtesy of the team at the West Bromwich Business Improvement District! Big hearted as always, the team are to build an advent calendar grotto that will add yet more excitement to the Christmas countdown.’
For further information, please contact John Hodgkiss on 07958 24191 or email john.hodgkiss@westbromwichtown.co.uk