West Bromwich Town Centre – A Developing Business Improvement District

West Bromwich Town Centre – A Developing Business Improvement District
Over the next 12 months, West Bromwich town centre will be developed into a Business Improvement District (BID) potentially generating an extra £1.25 million to improve and regenerate the town centre over the next five years.
BIDs are business-led partnerships that generate significant income through a small extra contribution from local businesses, delivering specific additional projects in a defined area. The detailed content of the BID is developed in consultation with local businesses, and tailored to the needs of the business community.
BIDS originated in Canada and the United States and reached the UK in 2004, where there are now approximately 180 around the country.
All shops and businesses will be asked to vote on the BID next spring. If a ‘yes’ vote is secured, West Bromwich town centre will enjoy guaranteed funding to pay for projects including: high profile marketing, extra security and enhanced cleansing to enable the town to compete more effectively.
John Hodgkiss, BID Co-ordinator for the West Bromwich BID, stated: Over the last few weeks, “I have begun to visit West Bromwich businesses on a one-to-one basis to talk about their priorities for the future. It’s great to see how positive retailers are about West Bromwich and they are coming up with some great ideas on how to invest and improve the heart of the town centre over the next five years. The town centre already has a strong, inclusive partnership, so the BID will build on this and be able to deliver even more and really put West Bromwich ‘on the map.’ We will keep everyone up-to-date with developments over the coming months, leading up to the ballot in early 2015.”
For further information, please contact John Hodgkiss, West Bromwich Town Centre BID Co-ordinator on 0121 553 3074